I just wasted 30 minutes of my life to entertain you lil fuckers for about 5 minutes. She knows I'm bullshitting her, I know she's bullshitting me, but yet we still act like were both going to hold our end of the bargin. lmao urtv makes me crazy
Anyways, she hasn't done hoh yet and I hope I got INSIDE her head. I also told her 9 minutes is what she's gota beat, which gives me a 3 minute cushion. Maybe she'll try and get 8 minutes and be like OOPS I did it too fast on accident. WOW, that would be TOO FUCKING FUNNY.
Anyways the chances of her tanking hoh are like 1 in 300. If she does tank it, I will LOSE IT and probably lol all the way to the Aussy bank.
DrWill chilltown (2:28:04 AM): hi
"Alison" (2:30:57 AM): hello cody
DrWill chilltown (2:31:15 AM): I get the proper Cody hello
DrWill chilltown (2:31:34 AM): did you read my pm?
"Alison" (2:34:29 AM): yes i did read your pm lol
"Alison" (2:34:41 AM): what are you trying to pull?
DrWill chilltown (2:35:24 AM): I wana have a chance to win
DrWill chilltown (2:35:36 AM): and I cant if Chels is still here
DrWill chilltown (2:37:40 AM): are you at work or something?
"Alison" (2:38:03 AM): No lol sorry
"Alison" (2:38:06 AM): i was watching biggest loser
"Alison" (2:38:11 AM): aussie version
DrWill chilltown (2:38:35 AM): oh fun
"Alison" (2:39:00 AM): so basically
"Alison" (2:39:06 AM): what do you want me to do? lol
DrWill chilltown (2:39:15 AM): work with me
DrWill chilltown (2:40:03 AM): if you win hoh, I'm going to have to win veto tho
"Alison" (2:40:34 AM): You should let me win Hoh ;o
DrWill chilltown (2:40:42 AM): then I have to win veto
DrWill chilltown (2:41:07 AM): if you win
DrWill chilltown (2:41:17 AM): your going to have Cass vs Dan and Nakky next week
DrWill chilltown (2:41:34 AM): you will have to win veto to stay in the game
"Alison" (2:41:38 AM): I know
DrWill chilltown (2:41:44 AM): but if Chels leaves
DrWill chilltown (2:41:47 AM): you get 2 shots
DrWill chilltown (2:41:54 AM): you can play for hoh and veto
DrWill chilltown (2:41:56 AM): plus
DrWill chilltown (2:42:00 AM): if I dont win the veto
DrWill chilltown (2:42:06 AM): you won the game
"Alison" (2:42:24 AM): I dont see chelsia leaving this week if I dont win hoh tho
DrWill chilltown (2:42:41 AM): as long as she doesnt win veto
DrWill chilltown (2:42:48 AM): she hasn't won one yet
DrWill chilltown (2:43:01 AM): so our odds are good
"Alison" (2:43:37 AM): I honestly think If i dont win this hoh im leaving
DrWill chilltown (2:43:47 AM): bull shit
"Alison" (2:43:58 AM): um
"Alison" (2:44:02 AM): at most it would 1-1
DrWill chilltown (2:44:02 AM): Its the other way around
"Alison" (2:44:06 AM): you wont keep me?
"Alison" (2:44:23 AM): if im on the block
DrWill chilltown (2:44:33 AM): umm
DrWill chilltown (2:44:40 AM): you wouldnt be on the block
DrWill chilltown (2:44:47 AM): Nakky and Dan arnt gona win hoh
DrWill chilltown (2:44:54 AM): its between you and me
"Alison" (2:45:34 AM): so you're saying if you won hoh , you're not gonna nominate me?
DrWill chilltown (2:45:44 AM): correct
DrWill chilltown (2:45:57 AM): I want to nominate Dan/Nakky
DrWill chilltown (2:46:15 AM): tell Chels I'm going to backdoor you, so you wont "try as hard in veto" since your not nominated
DrWill chilltown (2:46:20 AM): then if you win veto
DrWill chilltown (2:46:26 AM): you take someone down I have to nominate Chels
DrWill chilltown (2:46:36 AM): Cass isn't going to win, she sucks at comps
DrWill chilltown (2:46:53 AM): I will try and tank the veto towards you
DrWill chilltown (2:46:58 AM): and you know how good I am at that
"Alison" (2:47:02 AM): Lol
"Alison" (2:47:06 AM): I know
DrWill chilltown (2:47:07 AM):
DrWill chilltown (2:47:41 AM): Cass will trust me on this one, and then bingo
DrWill chilltown (2:47:43 AM): cya later
DrWill chilltown (2:49:20 AM): You had to vote Nick out I understand that, he's pissed but he'll get over with it
DrWill chilltown (2:49:40 AM): same thing with Cass, she's still going to be my friend... she'll just be pissed for a little bit
"Alison" (2:50:05 AM): That was like the worst decision i had to make ever , i felt so guilty
DrWill chilltown (2:50:14 AM): its a game
"Alison" (2:50:21 AM): I know lol
"Alison" (2:50:24 AM): But like
"Alison" (2:50:32 AM): I genuinely hurt Joe's feeling
"Alison" (2:50:34 AM): and i didnt want to
DrWill chilltown (2:50:44 AM): he will understand
DrWill chilltown (2:51:13 AM): and so will Cass
"Alison" (2:53:05 AM): Okay
"Alison" (2:53:14 AM): So am I supposed to throw the hoh comp? lol
DrWill chilltown (2:54:35 AM): if you wana work with me
DrWill chilltown (2:54:52 AM): otherwise I'll have to win veto
DrWill chilltown (2:54:59 AM): but I mean then you can't win hoh next week
"Alison" (2:55:49 AM): Have you done it?
DrWill chilltown (2:55:58 AM): yes
DrWill chilltown (2:56:14 AM): 9 minutes
"Alison" (2:57:00 AM): 9 minutes? lol
DrWill chilltown (2:57:12 AM): no 9 seconds
DrWill chilltown (2:57:17 AM):
"Alison" (2:57:20 AM):
"Alison" (2:57:24 AM): cheat
DrWill chilltown (2:57:30 AM):
DrWill chilltown (2:59:12 AM): I have class in 7 hours =O
DrWill chilltown (2:59:18 AM): I need to go to sleepy
"Alison" (2:59:26 AM): okay
DrWill chilltown (3:00:01 AM): alrighty
DrWill chilltown (3:00:10 AM): would you go along with that plan?
"Alison" (3:00:52 AM): I do but I hope you don't like back out on it cuz I dont like throwing
"Alison" (3:01:01 AM): (in urtv)
"Alison" (3:01:02 AM): lol
"Alison" (3:01:24 AM): so i have to do less than 9 mins?
"Alison" (3:01:28 AM): more i mean*
DrWill chilltown (3:01:34 AM): more
DrWill chilltown (3:01:38 AM): otherwise you win =O
DrWill chilltown (3:02:05 AM): don't tell anyone not even Dan or she'll find out whats going on
DrWill chilltown (3:02:27 AM): and I dont feel like having my ear raped before the veto
"Alison" (3:02:27 AM): I won't
"Alison" (3:02:30 AM): Dan would kill me lol
DrWill chilltown (3:02:41 AM): lol
DrWill chilltown (3:02:50 AM): alrighty I'll talk to ya tomorrow bed time
"Alison" (3:02:54 AM): Goodnight
DrWill chilltown (3:02:56 AM): nite
I also sent this to Cass, she should be waking up in 2-3 hours and I hope she crosses paths with Aussy and they get to talking
I hope Chelsia believes it that I'm throwing her under the bus so Aussy can't see through Chelsia cause she won't be "acting"
"Chelsia" signed off at 2:29:34 AM.
"Chelsia" is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
DrWill chilltown (2:29:53 AM): I hope you know whatever happens were still going to be friends after this right?